Thursday 3 March 2011

Diary Entry - Week 2

In week 2 of the AS level media coursework we had a look at our initial ideas and our audience research. For our initial ideas we had to draw a spider diagram which contained all of the ideas for my magazine that I had at the time. It contained categories such the target audience, colour schemes, layout of the magazine and even the type of fonts that will appear on the magazine this was so we could gather together all of the ideas which connected to each target audience. I think this initial ideas diagram will help me develop my ideas into practical production for designing my music magazine layout.
First of all I decided I would do a indie magazine as that is my preferred gere of music and the genre I know most about. I decided that I would have a target audience of 16-30 as I felt that the people between these ages like the indie genre of music more than any other age group. I also decided that the title of my double page spread would be either the band name or the band’s new album. I also decided on a range of articles which I could include in my music magazine.
I also completed my audience research which was in the form of a questionnaire. I asked a total of 30 people for their opinions and ideas of music magazines. This will allow me to use the ideas of others to help me with the production and content of my music magazine. To gather the information I had to ask people in my media studies class and post my questionnaire on Facebook so I could have more people’s opinions and suggestions of what to include in my magazine. I asked people from both genders from my target audience.

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