Thursday 3 March 2011

Analysis Q Magazine - Elbow

This issue of Q contains a solo image of the lead singer of the band ‘Elbow’. His costume is very smart as he is wearing a full suit. The microphone stand in front of him instantly gives the information that this man is the singer in ‘Elbow’. This image is very plain and contains no colour which grabs the reader’s attention. You can tell by the image that this magazine is not aimed at a heavy metal audience as the image of Guy Garvey (the lead singer of elbow) does not wear any pale make up. The image sits on a dull white and grey background which I think is quite effective. There is only one image on this front cover meaning the main article in this magazine will be based around ‘Elbow’.

Straight away the title of the magazine grabs your attention, this makes it easy to recognise on the shelf and makes the magazine more eye catching to the reader. There is a mixture of serif and sans-serif font on this magazine front cover which portrays that the audience which this magazine is aimed at is both males and females. This is very effective and makes the magazine look more decorative and interesting. The bands and artists that are featured on the cover of this magazine are displayed in bold black text where as the comment about this article to entice you to buy this magazine is displayed in a red serif font. The font size changes for artists names such as ‘Amy Winehouse’. I think this looks very good and effective.

On this magazine front cover there are black lines which separate the article headlines. This magazine appeals to the many different music genres as it includes artists such as Amy Winehouse (soul), The Strokes (indie), Adele (acoustic pop) and Chase and Status (drum ‘nd bass). This can persuade more people to buy this magazine rather than magazines concentrating on just one genre of music.

This contents page is the first that I have analysed that goes onto two pages. I think this is due to the fact that it is a monthly magazine and therefore will have more articles to inform the reader about. The main article featuring ‘Elbow has a large image telling the viewer where they can find this article. The other main articles in this magazine also have images with a page number in it. The lists of articles are down both sides of this double page spread where they have their title, page number and a description of what the article is all about. The left hand side is filled with one off featured articles where the right hand side is filled with regular articles.
The colour scheme used in this magazine is similar to the classic NME magazines. They use red, white and black which is simple but effective. The banner across the top of the page contains the magazine logo, the title of the page and the issue number which is not found in any other magazines I have analysed. This is the layout I prefer as it is constructed well, easily readable and still interesting to look at. The only problem is that I am thinking of producing a weekly magazine so I may only need one page for my double page spread.

This is the layout of the double page spread issued by Q magazine. The large ‘O’ in the article immediately stands out. The text on top of the ‘O’ is difficult to read as the red used is quite dark. In the centre of the page there is a quote from the article which says “Most of all we love a quiet pub and a bloody good chat.” This is the opposite to the stereotype of a band. At the bottom of my middle column starts with a large capital letter which I feel works very well. Half of this double page spread is the article whilst the other half is filled with eight images of the band in the studio and rehearsing. I like the idea of having half of the double page spread filled with the article and the other half of an image(s).
This is the first double page spread that I have analysed that uses serif font. This font appeals to both genders widening the target audience. This double page spread has a header and a footer. The header contains the title of the article whilst the footer contains the magazine logo, the page number and the issue date. I like this layout it is formal but still attractive, I would consider basing my layout around Q with a few personal tweaks.

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