Thursday 3 March 2011

Analysis NME Magazine - The Strokes

The image that is used is of the American indie band the strokes. The image has a natural lighting to it which clearly shows it is not a heavy metal magazine. The band is the main focus of the magazine which is shown by the large dominant image containing only them. The band members are not looking directly at the viewer which portrays a more relaxed atmosphere for this magazine. Three of the band members are wearing sunglasses which makes them look like a stylish and appealing to the target audience. The image slightly goes over the title for the NME magazine which shows that they have confidence that their target audience will still be able to recognise the magazine issue. The black clothing worn my members of the strokes is in keeping with this issues colour scheme which is pink, grey/black and white.

The text that displays the band’s name is a pink/purple colour which allows it to stand out on the grey background and black clothing. The headline on the magazine says “The Strokes Return” which gives the viewer a short message but clearly displaying what is the main article in this issue. The text for the article headlines is also stated in pink to display it clearly whilst the description or quotes of the articles are displayed in small white font.

The colour scheme of this issue of NME is different to their usual red, black and white colour scheme. In this issue they used a pink, grey and white colour scheme. This might have been made harder to recognise by the target audience.

This goes back to the classic template for a NME contents page. It has a blocky layout which diverts attention into 7 different articles. The main article from the front cover involving The Strokes takes a smaller section of the page meaning that an article involving Alex Kane takes centre stage on this page. I like this layout as I think it looks very tidy and well structured. All of the leading articles have an image to go with it and a quote or description to go with it.
The text used in the contents page is brief so the reader can grasp a quick understanding of what the article is all about. The image is there not only to make the page more colourful and interesting but to give the audience a brief insight of what the article is likely to be about. All of the smaller articles are listed in the text box titled ‘Plus’ where no quotes, description or image are listed to go with the article title. There is also some offer when you subscribe to NME which is you get 35% off every magazine and it is delivered to your door. This could be a way of persuading people to buy my magazine, but I don’t think people would like to subscribe to a magazine when it is not established.

This double page spread has a more familiar tone to it as one half of the double page spread is dominated by an image where as the other half is dominated by text. The image side has a very natural and relaxed atmosphere. There is regular lighting which shows that the band are quite upbeat rather than dark and loud. The costume of the band members is quite fashionable and you can tell what genre of music they belong to by their clothes. They quite clearly belong to the indie genre as if they were a R&B group they may wear baggy clothes and caps etc.
The article itself is dominated by a large pink title that states “We’re stronger than ever” this is a direct quote taken from the article. The colour of the font is in keeping with the colour scheme of this issue of NME. The title is followed by a brief description about The Strokes and their new album. This too is a pink colour allowing it to stand out from the page. As you begin to read the articles you see these two large capital letters that begin each paragraph which provides a break in the text to allow the reader to have a break and not be suffocated by the text.

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