Friday 4 March 2011

Diary Entries - Week 3

In my third week of this media coursework I have began sketching my ideas for the design of my front cover, contents page and double page spread. I used the results of my audience research to decide on specific areas of the magazine such as colour scheme, style of font, layout of contents page as well as what articles should feature in the magazine.

We also began to analyse what were problems with some previous students work and what we could do to prevent us making those very mistakes. We found that little things such as a spelling mistake or a different font style or size can drop your grade down by several marks. We were taught to stick with one style on our content page which we should take from our audience research. This would mean that the contents page would be effective and be likely to boost our marks.

Overall it has been a useful week which has taught me many things about producing a music magazine from the overall design to the content of the magazine which can separate you from a higher grade.

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