Thursday 3 March 2011

Analysis Kerrang Magazine - Joey Jordison

There is just one person on the front of this front cover. This means that Joey Jordison of heavy metal band ‘Slipknot’ is the main attraction for this music magazine. His image goes slightly over the title of the magazine which portrays confidence from the makers of Kerrang magazine. The make-up that Jordison is wearing is very pale and gothic. This gives an instant impression to what genre this magazine belongs to. Joey’s clothes are also black giving more evidence to this statement. Joey’s facial expression is very sad and angry suggesting he belongs to a heavy metal band. There are lots of smaller images dotted around the front cover which gives the reader a quick glimpse as to what is inside the magazine but also makes the cover more decorative and pleasing on the eye. The gothic impression is highlighted due to the fact that Joey’s image is almost in black and white.

The colour of the text telling the viewers what is inside this magazine are red and yellow which suggest danger and also allow the magazine to stand out slightly more off the shelves. The title of the magazine is also black and white which clearly adds to the heavy metal genre. This font also looks as though someone has smashed it up as it looks cracked. This clearly adds to the heavy metal impression as though the guitars belonging to the bands have been smashed up. Slapped on top of the image is a quote from Joey Jordison followed by a bold red font which makes his name stand out. This is then followed by what the article featuring Joey Jordison contains. The font used on this magazine front cover is serif which portrays a masculine image.

In this magazine there is a banner at the bottom displaying four images, underneath this it says that there are free posters in this magazine. This can be used to persuade people to buy this magazine as a free gift is inside the product.

This contents page has an unusual layout the top half of the page is dominated by a images. These images are linked to main articles in this magazine. The image has a tag with the details of what the image is about. Whereas the bottom half of the page is where the articles and page numbers are listed. Looking at the layout of the contents page you couldn’t really tell that it was meant for a heavy metal magazine. The stories that feature on the front cover have a little symbol next to the indicating that this is a lead article in this magazine.
This contents page like the last shadow puppets NME contains an editors log which contains similar aspects to the NME one. It contains what the editor has done this week and what she thinks of this issue of Kerrang. This contents page is split into separate categories which are titled feedback, news, live reviews, features, albums, gig guide and the K! Quiz. I think this doesn’t look as good as a normal contents layout as it is too formal. Similar to the NME contents page this one has an offer of having every issue of Kerrang delivered to your door. Having this will increase the chances of having magazines sold where as only established magazines would be able to do this as the audience would be reluctant to commit to buying an un-established magazine.

This double page spread issued by Kerrang is very dark and gothic. This will bode well with their target audience as it is based around the image of heavy metal which they are interested in. Half of Joey Jordison’s face is lit this could show his dark side in this interview. It could also mean that he is trying to hide from the rest of the world. The lightened half of his face is covered in makeup which suggests he still is a Goth. The colours are very boring and uninteresting which will fit in with the genre of this magazine. A quote taken from the interview with Joey Jordison is taken and placed in large grey and white font which can be read on the dark clothing worn by Joey Jordison.
The facial expression of Jordison is tired and upset. This is backed by the first sentence of this article which is “Joey Jordison looks tired”. There is a glow around Joey Jordison but it fades where the article is written. This means that the article isn’t easily readable and will not appeal to people who do not like this style of music. In this interview the questions are in bold and the answers are in regular font, this makes it easy to distinguish between the questions and answers. Joey Jordison’s hand is grasped onto his arm where his scared look is given further evidence.

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