Thursday 3 March 2011

Diary Entry - Week 1

In the first week of my media coursework we began the research and analysis of the project. We had to begin the research of the front cover, contents page and double page spreads of various music magazines such as NME, Q, and Kerrang as well as others. We also looked at the codes and conventions of front covers, contents and double page spreads such as the lighting and colours used on front covers and the type of text and language used in the double page spread article.
We discovered that different music magazines use different conventions for their layout. NME generally use a colour scheme of red, black and white as well as a blocky contents page layout. NME always have one image on their front cover which dominates the page, allowing the text to stand out off the image. Magazines such as Kerrang use dark colours to keep with the genre of the music they have light coloured text which makes it stand out from the dark images that are used. Kerrang also use a blocky style for their contents page. This will help me see which music genres use particular styles for the magazines.
We were asked to complete analysis of 5 front covers, contents page and double page spreads. This was so we could have detailed information in to why music magazines use particular styles from facial expressions on the people featured in the magazine to the type of font and how they link to their target audiences. We discovered what the necessary conventions which all music magazines use and what they use them for, we found that when music magazines are designed everything is based on the interests and culture of the target audience.  I think this analysis and research will help me decide on the conventions for my music magazines in all of the aspects that need to be decided such as fonts, colour schemes, language and layout of all pages.

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