Monday 11 April 2011

Diary Entry Week 4

In week four of the music magazine project we began designing our rough cuts of our magazine from the ideas based around our hand drawn designs. I feel they helped me decide the basic outline of my magazine allowing me to edit aspects that I thought I could improve on the computer. I have copied my hand drawn design on the computer and changed certain aspects. I have selected the font I am going to use for both headings and small text.

I have organised my photographs to be taken at the weekend which will then be uploaded onto my rough cuts allowing me to move my text around my images. I feel that once the images have been uploaded onto my designs they will begin to look better and look more like a real magazine. This week I have designed my front cover and began to design my contents page and so far all is going well. The designs resemble the idea in my head and on the hand drawn designs well and hope they look professional.

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