Codes and Conventions
Front Cover
The colour of the background is a very bold red which draws attention towards the other aspects of the magazine, it also allows the other colours to stand out from the background.
The image used is very large and contrasts against the colour of the background due to the black and white effect used. This attracts attention towards the image meaning other magazines look dull because of it.
There is a pencil drawing effect used in the magazine which makes the image bolder and eye catching and attractive. It also makes the front cover more authentic like a real magazine rather than a school magazine.
The colours that are used are very simple but allow the magazine to stand out. The black and white image used would not be eye catching without the bright red which catches the eye instantly.
Compared to the other school magazines this has a more original look, it shares properties with magazines that are actually in shops. There are no images of the school contained in the front cover which separates it from other schools magazines.
There is a lot of text on the front cover which is easy to read as it contrast against the background colour of which is placed on. The title of the magazine has a diagonal across to create a visual effect for the viewer and draw their attention towards the magazine. The titles of the articles are in bold so they are clear to view, and there is a brief description underneath the article title.
The ‘words of wisdom’ that is placed multiple times all over the persons face on the cover could be what is in the magazine, as wise words may be featured in the articles. It look as though the woman on the cover is shouting this and it is an important message to get across. The articles that feature in the magazine are what the students in the school may find appealing and interesting so it will make the pupils read. The tagline of the magazine is “every generation needs a new revolution” is appealing to the audience and may entice them to read inside.
There are a lot of colours used in this page to make it more eye pleasing to the reader. The image of the cassette with the colourful lines coming out of it is very appealing to the reader as it has a musical theme which will be seen as interesting by the reader.
The header and footer include many colours containing the title of the magazine and page on the right hand side. There is an image where the rainbow turns into raindrops which are very artistic and creative and appealing to the reader.
The recycling image tells the reader to recycle that when they have finished, which is environmentally friendly. The colours used are more feminine than masculine as they are light. The images include flowers ad rainbow which proves it is more feminine.
The articles inside are displayed in different colours which make this page environmentally friendly. The box displaying the message of the 2nd issue uses very contrasting colours which makes the box easy to read whilst being appealing at the same time.
It also includes the magazines logo on the front cover which makes it more memorable and recognisable. The text which is used for the page title and article titles are bolder than the description of the articles.
The text underneath each heading is small and black which suggests they are less important than the pages and titles themselves. The text style of the page is sans serif which means the font is curved and again suggests it is more feminine. All of the text on the bottom of the third of the page is placed in text boxes with coloured backgrounds making it more attractive.